How to find great staff for your Minecraft Server in 2022?

Charlie Joseph
Charlie Joseph
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Struggling to find moderators for your Minecraft server? We asked a few larger servers and we've got some great answers!

Moderators are a crucial part of running a Minecraft server, as they prevent bad actors from ruining the experience of other players. Yet, many are often confused with what they should look out for when picking them. To answer this question, we reached out to a bunch of larger Minecraft servers to find out what they look out for most.

Hire from your community

When starting out, find players that are already on your server who are willing to put in the time and effort to moderating. These players already know your server quite well and may want to see your server grow larger, in turn willing to put in effort (without anything in return) to moderate. These would be players moderating your Minecraft server at choice without any cash incentive in return.

Consider your donators

When it comes to selecting moderators for your Minecraft server, your donators are often a great choice to look towards. They’ve given financial aid to your Minecraft server, and thus are less likely to abuse their power in return. You can pair this with their playtime activity in-game to understand when they’re most active.

Check their outside activity

Another factor when selecting moderators is to look at their playtime outside of your server, for example their interactions on your Discord server (if you have one). Often, this activity displays well to any new player who may join, and helps with ensuring your server is moderated all-round.

We wish you luck with finding moderators on your Minecraft servers! You can find moderators even easier with our built-in Player Analytics for monitoring playtime on your server.

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