Analyse's mission

Find out more why Analyse is the best Minecraft Analytics solution.

Our mission is to be the best Minecraft player and server analytics solution for server owners who wish to grow their Minecraft server. Analyse makes it easy to get started which means server owners can focus more time on their server, and less on configuring and maintaining a self-hosted solution.

Whether you're just getting started with your Minecraft server or already have an established one, finding out if your server is gaining or losing players is a crucial part to understand where your server is heading.

With Analyse, we want to be the go-to solution for Minecraft servers to get in-depth information allowing them to become a successful Minecraft server.

Hey, I'm Charlie! 👋

I'm the Founder, Designer, Developer and Support Team behind Analyse.

I've been hugely involved in the Minecraft server scene for more than 10 years, from building plugins, to Minecraft servers like Play MC and even websites.

It has always frustrated me with how poorly made current solutions are. They often involve being a pain to configure which takes valuable time away from growing a successful Minecraft server.

I'm doing everything I can to give Minecraft server owners the perfect tool to become successful. If you haven't already set-up your Minecraft server, check out our Why start a Minecraft server? blog post or our How to grow your Minecraft? blog post if you already have a server.