Minecraft Startup Flag Generator

Easily configure your Minecraft spigot and paper server startup flags.

Server Jar

Server RAM (GB)

Flag Type

Generated Script

What does this script mean?

This turns on the Java G1 garbage collector.
This optimizes the garbage collector so it can use multiple threads for weak reference checking.
This tells the JVM to delay the max garbage collection time of 200 milliseconds. This helps as long pauses for garbage collection will interfere with your server's performance.
This enables the experimental JVM scripts that have been tested by thousands of servers.
This disables the System.gc() method call which prevents plugins from explicitly calling the GC.
This allocates all of the RAM for the server on startup so this prevents incremental allocations during runtime impacting performance.
This gives the GC more room to space and results in less GC cycles preventing lag.
This gives the GC more room to space and results in less GC cycles preventing lag.
This sends fewer objects to the old gen so there is less time spent cleaning up old gen memory.
This allows more space for memory to move around.
Sets the percentage of heap that you are willing to get rid of.
This tells the JVM to reclaim old gen.
Sets the Java heap occupancy threshold that triggers a marking cycle.
This sends fewer objects to the old gen so less time is spent cleaning up old gen memory.
Reduces the GC pause durations.
Minimises the survivor space as MaxTenuringTheshold was increased.
Prevents the GC from writing to the file system as file system IO may take a very long time so we disable it.
This slows down the collection of longer lived memory to therefore decrease pause times and improve performance.
This notifies Paper timings system you are using Aikar's scripts.
This notifies Papers timing system that you are using Aikar's scripts.

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